
Female executive with medium-length black hair wearing eyeglasses and businesswear standing outside modern meeting room and checking data on tablet.
Female executive with medium-length black hair wearing eyeglasses and businesswear standing outside modern meeting room and checking data on tablet.


This has challenged us to reflect on the pivotal role pay equity and transparency can play in forging a more inclusive world. Fostering an open dialogue on pay equity is one important way in which inclusion is expressed. 这是因为薪酬透明度不仅仅是遵守标准. 这也关乎无障碍——确保每一位女性, 每个人, 感觉看到, 有价值的, 授权和包容, 每个人都有平等的进步机会. But what happens when revealing pay gap data only makes this overall picture more complicated?

在薪酬透明度日益提高的今天, companies that don’t actively engage in open dialogues on pay risk isolating and losing the trust of their employees, 候选人甚至客户. 相反, companies who do engage with pay equity and transparency are certain to see this work have a significant impact on their employees’ overall work experience, 生产力和包容性.

透明度和可访问性并不总是相辅相成的. Pay equity statistics can be tricky and intimidating to navigate for both employees and employers, 而且很容易感到困惑和被排斥. When we read numbers in the news and on company disclosure reports — full of technical terms such as gender pay, 同工同酬和调整后的薪酬差距——我们并不总是清楚它们的含义, 或者它们与我们的关系. 很容易掩盖数据中的细微差别或缺陷,或者完全忽略它们.

来帮助解决这个复杂问题, organizations like Eurostat — the statistical office of the European Union that releases data on pay gaps — accompany their numbers with 有用的信息 关于如何解释统计数据. This is a good start and we are looking forward to seeing their updated figures for 2024.

Technology can help with demystifying data, but it can also make the situation more complex. 正如我们在 WorldAtWork最近关于人工智能和薪酬公平的论文,正如我们讨论过的 在我们自己的美世研究中,将人工智能与敏锐的DEI镜头结合起来, 越来越多的公司开始使用人工智能来评估和沟通薪酬公平, 甚至决定工资. 虽然这样做有明显的好处, we must also be aware of the potential misunderstandings and unintended negative consequences this approach can bring — problems that can have an impact on individuals, 企业和更广泛的劳动力. 这是我们在最近的 2024年全球风险报告.


Recently we have been reflecting on pay equity scenarios where statistics could be easily misinterpreted. These examples highlight some of our latest thinking on how to turn challenges into opportunities for holistic change. 

挑战: 从历史上看, 某集团公布了薪酬公平结果, 公司或法人实体级别, 并考虑了原始工资差距(男女之间的平均工资差距). 然而, those organizations that only focus on the raw pay gap KPI may miss key risk areas that relate to pay and career equity and to compensation packages that transcends base pay, 比如津贴和养老金.

考虑到忽视数据中重要故事的风险,10%的美国人认为这是错误的&美国的P公司现在分享调整后的薪酬差距. These report on the differences in earnings between men and women after controlling for variables such as job titles, 部门, 资历, 工作时间及表现.

这种做法也开始在欧洲实施. It will become even more important when a new EU directive comes into effect that will ask companies to report by category of worker and to consider the objective factors which drive pay. 然而, only 6% of companies with headquarters in Europe share their adjusted pay gaps (according to 美世2023年未来工作调查).


机会: 本着国际妇女节的精神, companies can use 2024 as year to take a step back and evaluate their methodology and approach with regards to pay equity analysis. Are you including as much actual pay information as possible or only looking at base salaries? 你是否包括可变成分和福利? Can you drill down into employee groupings to see if there are pay gaps above 5% within a position grade or job family?

美世的TRS薪酬差距探测器 helps organizations assess both raw and adjusted pay gaps using standard variables such as experience, 任期和角色. In 2023, this tool found average raw gaps in our European client data submissions of around 8.而调整后的平均薪酬差距为2%.7%的人支持男性. 当按职业流分组时, 所有队列调整后的薪酬差距都在5%以下, 在专业员工中观察到的价值最高(3.1%). The tool has also identified higher pay equity risks across four job families: construction, 金融, 医疗保健/药房服务和接待.

挑战: 许多组织在横向上实现了性别代表的平等(例如.e., across the company) and may have lower raw pay gaps in average pay for women versus men. 有些人甚至认为这个数字不到1%. 然而, 当这些数字根据业绩进行调整时, 经验或任期, 薪酬差距可能会突然出现.

在一家公司,我们最近计算出原始工资差距为1%. 然而, after adjusting for tenure, performance and role the adjusted pay gap increased to 4%. This can be a complex situation for companies to understand and may cause dismay amongst employees and management.

看看欧盟统计局2021年的数据,我们看到了这个问题 在意大利的国家层面上发挥作用. 意大利未经调整的工资差距通常被列为5.5%. 此外,该国私营部门未经调整的数字是15.5%. After accounting for employee and employer characteristics, the unexplained pay gap lands at 10.9% — this is mostly due to differences in the representation of women and men across the workforce.


机会: 再一次。, companies should consider drilling down and examining where and why these anomalies are occurring. Is it possible that there is different treatment for men and women when it comes to setting salaries? Is there bias in the performance management system or a lack of pay for performance alignment? 您是否需要回顾您的基本工作架构?

挑战: 一个国家或业务部门的薪酬差距可以而且将会逐年变化, 随着间隙的缩小或扩大. 有时,这些趋势是由于有意的补救活动. 有时它们可能是由其他环境因素引起的. 因果关系与. 相关性可能很难理解, 特别是当它仅基于综合薪酬公平统计数据时.


机会: 近年来,我们对薪酬平等的理解有所加深, so in 2024 we should be taking a more nuanced look into the root causes of pay equity changes. 更广泛的招聘差距是在扩大还是在缩小?为什么? 绩效工资的增加是帮助还是伤害了性别收入差距? 解雇对代理有什么影响? 这些都是需要考虑的问题.

一旦你掌握了根本原因, you can identify action plans and work on targeting change in your own organization’s policy and procedures. 这将有助于将薪酬平等嵌入到组织的运作中, 实施明确的变更计划, 创造一种更可持续的方法,并为所有人提供更多的可访问性.

总而言之,薪酬公平数据可能令人困惑,并可能带来隐患. 因此,退一步深入挖掘数据可能是有用的. It is only through this additional analysis — and through the development of a robust change strategy — that you can move beyond compliance (and reporting requirements) to truly achieve the positive impacts of pay equity in your organization.

随着我们进入2024年及以后, 人力资源和公司领导必须在审查数据输入方面发挥积极作用, 理解分析, 并在适当的背景下传达研究结果. 能够访问市场参考数据,通过使用工具,如 美世的TRS薪酬差距探测器,可以帮助提供背景并引导利益相关者朝着正确的方向前进.

你对薪酬透明度还有什么问题吗? 您想进一步了解美世在薪酬公平方面的整体方法吗? 或者你有自己的经验教训想要分享? 如果有,请98858威尼斯70570的团队.


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