
以技能为基础的人才管理转变您的员工队伍. 重新塑造你的才能,奖励你的技能.

在一个不确定的经济中,预计长期劳动力短缺, maximizing the value of your workforce and attracting new talent to your organization is critical. 随着工作世界的快速变化, 更甚于以往, 与之相适应的能力是成功的关键.  That’s why embracing skills-based practices has become a top priority for companies — because reskilling is essential to transforming organizations for the future of work. Measuring skills and capabilities objectively bolsters talent acquisition, 发展, 继任和更广泛的人才战略. 今天通过专注于技能来解锁指数级的结果. 

无论你是想建立一个强大的技能基础, 重新设计你的工作方式,或者重新思考如何吸引人, 留住和发展人才, 我们可以帮忙. Implementing skills-based practices at scale requires collaboration across teams — you’ll need expertise that spans workforce transformation, 数据和科技产品, 以及数字实现. 这就是梅瑟的用武之地. 

  • 劳动力和转型咨询 
  • 数据和科技产品 
  • 数字实现 


  • We struggle to identify current bench strength and skills gaps to inform skills-based hiring.
  • 我们正在努力围绕自动化重组工作.
  • Learning and 发展 investments aligned with skills-based talent management are difficult for us to prioritize.
  • 我们希望在整个组织内提供灵活的职业发展.


  • 战略劳动力规划

    Apply internal and external supply-and-demand skills research data for enhanced insights and redefined talent/skills pools.
  • Reskilling

    Accelerate reskilling with targeted and personalized skills-based learning pathways and enhanced assessment capability, 消除了费力的当前状态分析.
  • 技能评估

    客观地衡量人才获取的技能和能力, 发展, succession or a broader people strategy based on your skills framework.
  • 按技能付费

    投资未来技能, and reinvent pay programs with AI-enabled pay decisions based on skill demand, 供应和临界.
  • 工作和职业架构

    实现最优的内部公平和外部竞争力, it’s essential to establish a robust career architecture framework with consistent job analysis and job evaluation methodology.
  • 绩效管理

    敏捷环境要求快速, multisourced performance feedback and assessment to enable targeting of skill proficiency and 发展 activities.
  • 职业发展/路径

    Enable employee ownership of careers through skill mapping and adjacencies, 哪些能照亮可行的职业道路.
  • 接班人计划

    Ensure succession pools are informed by individual skills to expand potential talent pipelines, 避免可能限制多样性的工作结构.
  • 内部人才市场

    将人才部署到演出中, 基于技能供需的项目和经验, promoting internal talent mobility and diversity of thinking and experiences across the organization.
  • 人才收购

    根据技能招聘来选择候选人, using AI-driven skill inferences and simple digital assessment tools to improve the quality of both the process and the candidate experience.
  • 为未来的工作重塑工作

    美世’s work design solutions help to transform and reinvent work by deconstructing jobs into tasks and preparing organizations for the future of work. 
A data-driven approach to pay-for-skills is crucial to your organization’s ability to attract and retain critical talent.


Take this diagnostic to assess the maturity of skills structures and reskilling processes in your organization Identify areas for opportunities, 并立即得到下一步的建议.


Looking at the workforce through a skills lens leads to increased flexibility

When we compare companies further forward on the journey we do see some differences in mindset and culture

  • 组织中有更多的流动性
  • 有这样的例子:在职业生涯中期跳槽,却没有退步
  • there is an urgency to bring diverse skills together to solve a problem

然而, most organizations are not in a position to fully embrace such a model or to enable it across the full employee population.
The reason being is that many employers’ structures and processes fall on the left side of the screen.

  • 传统雇主通常对工作的定义很窄, and the work one is asked to perform is not likely to go beyond the duties and responsibilities outlined in the JD. 在这种环境下,员工将自己的职业生涯视为阶梯, 期待在同一个团队中晋升.
  • Evolving and leading companies have fostered a more flexible environment where skills are a consideration in work assignments, 当员工考虑他们的职业生涯时, they understand that both vertical and horizontal movement is valuable – and they are empowered to take the wheel on their own career journey.
  • Future focused environments have adopted agile principles in how they organize teams and 流向工作 根据他们的具体技能. 

A transformation from jobs to skills though needs an understanding of skills.

对于一些最复杂的方式来评估技能的基础上 市场可用性,战略相关性和价格. But attaining this change is hard because we live in a world defined by 工作经历. Unpicking this in a mature organization can be tough – but the 奖励 are significant.

技能定价的人 is a self-service web application that reports which skills influence the pay of a selected job, 同时给这些技能赋值. Additionally 技能定价的人 allows you to customize a benchmark job to reflect your own unique skills mix, 看看这对新职位的薪酬有何影响. 

Incorporate skills into your talent strategy quickly and easily with 美世 技能库

技能库 offers a rapid short-cut to deploying a skills taxonomy that is based on market data — the first step in adding skills to your organization’s pay strategy. 


工作设计 helps to transform and reinvent work by deconstructing jobs into tasks and preparing organizations for the future of work.



